Monday, July 9, 2012

8x400M run


  1. 8X400M run with 90 sec rest in between. Total time not including 8th rest.

    1. 2:03
    2. 2:01
    3. 2:04
    4. 2:05
    5. 2:11
    6. 2:10
    7. 2:09
    8. 2:05

    TT 27:33

  2. Did this today sore neck and all. I had to do a good 10 minute warmup to ensure I wouldn't pinch it further. I did get to finish today and not too bad of a time, as RX'd.
    TT 25:15

  3. Sum bitch... I lost :40 off my last time. I even went harder on the last 2 rounds. I almost want to try again.

  4. Yo dudes. My inner thighs are still so damn sore from the wall ball TTB WOD. I also thought for sure I was getting sick last night and this AM, but I am starting to feel more normal. I didn't WOD yesterday or today.. might tomorrow AM, then driving to Aspen for 4 days, have to do some hotel type WODs but I think the place we are staying has a gym.


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