Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nasty Girls


  1. Went up to the mountains to play poker at a casino last night. Got about 5 hours of sleep. Good news is I didn't drink too much, pretty moderate. Really didn't feel like doing a WOD, felt tired and grumpy but I got mentally strong and forced it.

    I subbed 14 ring pushups and 14 CTB pullups for the 7 MUs. The rest RX'd. TT 13:37


    Tomorrow is a big day. I start my first day as the CTO for a company called CH2M Hill. This is a Fortune 500 company, and I am going to be a true executive. Seriously. Big time stuff. Will be interesting to see how/when I do the WODs because my job is going to consume me for a while. Have to go prove myself all over again. This is a life changing opportunity for me.

  2. Congradulations Fletcher! I am sure you will do great.

    Unlike Craig, I went out with my wife last night, ate a pile of nachos and pizza drank a shit ton of good beer and then we decided it would be smart to pick up magarita fixings on the way home...needless to say I spent a solid two minutes of this wod bent over waiting for my body to decide if it was going to throw up.

    12:41 as rx'd with nasty, nasty puckie though?

    Think I sweated the posion out.

  3. I modded this big time. I did 30 squats, 7 ring dips and 7 dead hang ring pull ups and 75# for the hang power clean. Looking in hindsight I could of done 50 squats and 14 each of the dips and pullups. I didn't want to over do it. Every major body part was sore for multiple days last week. That's what happens when you take off doing WODs for months.

    TT 9:56


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