Saturday, July 28, 2012

Jumps, DL and HSPU


  1. Attach an object at precisely 12" above your maximum reach with rope or cord, and complete 4 rounds for time of:
    30 Jump and touch
    185 pound Deadlift, 20 reps
    10 Handstand push-ups

  2. Dead lifts were scaled to 135. For The HSPUs I put my feet on top of the 30inch box.

    TT 21:31.84

  3. Subbed 20 deep ass ring pushups for HSPUs, the rest was RX'd. TT 14:35. Butt kicking!!!!

    One of the rugby kids brought his 54 year old mom Sherry to the gym this morning much to my surprise, so we walked through some stuff and I had her do 3 rounds of row 500, 20 box step ups, 20 squats. It was almost more than she could finish (and she was moving really slow) but she finished! Nice work Sherry. Shane (18 year old rugby dude, ripped as hell but not really strong yet)did this with 145 DLs and 10 95 lb presses in 16:56.


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