Wednesday, May 8, 2013

21-15-9 reps HSPU/Pull ups


  1. Other than my eyes popping out from the HSPU's, not a bad workout. TT 5:30

  2. Good WOD. Nowhere near as hard as Fran. Nice time Wy. HSPU's went 15/6, 10/5 & 9. PU's were kind of similiar.

    TT: 4:23

  3. Man you guys are GOOD at HSPUs. Are we talking head to floor here?

    Your shoulders and chest are as strong or stronger than mine, but I weigh 230 lbs. That's my damn problem. In fact I KNOW Chris as strong chest and shoulders, you always beat me in the Press! I guess I need to work on that more. At least it's a lift I can do without getting hurt.

  4. Head to floor. I've always been good with the HSPU's. It's one of the few I can say that with. :)

  5. Because you have the shoulders of a grizzly bear from all of that glamour boy arm and shoulder building you've been doing for so many years (that I am admittedly envious of).

    I did do one jumping pull-up today and it barely hurt. Progress.


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