Thursday, May 30, 2013

Runs, Hangs, Getups, Hangs, Getups, L-Sit


  1. Tough ass WOD. Sweat is pouring out of me and my ears are ringing. I scaled TGU's to a 35# dumbbell. I couldn't get the barbell to hold steady. Hangs were super tough, could only hang for 3-5 seconds and had to let go. L-Sits on the rings, not perfect form and only 5-8 seconds so I lost time having to keep jumping on and off.

    TT: 19:17

    Different WOD, but kinda of fun.

  2. Are the hangs straight arm or bent? Thanks

  3. I did them straigt arm but that's a good question. I just went by the mainsite comments

  4. That was an awesome, fun, creative WOD! I did everything RX'd except the TGUs... still did 45 lbs but used a KB instead of a bar. Damn those were hard. Believe it or not I did the arm hangs 15 seconds unbroken 4 out of 6 times, the other two times I went about 9 and 6 seconds to get to 15 total. Crazy ass WOD. I run slow. L Situps were incremental as well... I can't do 30 seconds unbroken. Usually went like 15/10/5 or such.

    TT 21:18

  5. Used a 35# kettlebell for the TGUs. This was my first time doing those. They are a lot harder than they look.

    TT 29.32


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