Tuesday, May 14, 2013



  1. I scaled the BS to 185 and did HSPU to AbMat.

    Actually did the RC's RX'd, first pulling movement in almost two months. It didn't feel too bad, just had lame stamina because my pullers haven't been used in a long time.

    TT 15:07

    40 cal row took 2 minutes even. That winded me crazy.

    Had 4 other guys here today... youngest was 20, oldest was 76 years old. How about that? It's one of Chelle's WOD girl friends' dad. His daughter has trimmed down a ton lately and is all fired up. At a family BBQ last weekend he asked her "what's gotten into you Meg?" She gave him my number.

    I had him do 3RFT of 25 lunges, 20 box steps ups (16:), and 20 wall balls (23 lb ball, 8 foot target). He's 76 and golfs and drinks beer... I thought it prudent to start off mellow.

  2. RC's took 4 minutes or so as well... had a lot of rope stare going on.

  3. Couple of subs for me. 50 pull-ups for rope climbs and 75 SDHP's for the rows. I also scaled to 185 on the back squats. My legs are feeling yesterdays WOD.

    TT: 15:47

    Everything seemed hard today.


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