Monday, October 21, 2013

10 Day High Volume Less Fat Idea?


  1. I would really really like to get my weight sub 200#s again, so I am trying 10 days of high volume wods. Started out today with Kelly, got me a pr at 28:38. Not sure for tomorrow, my hands are still tore up. Thinking maybe 5 round FGB??

    Suggestions would be much appreciated.

  2. If you want to burn fat off fast, control portions, and do twice a week 90-120 minute lower heart rate (125-140) work, like cycling. That's the fat burning heart rate zone baby!!

  3. (and off course kick ass in CrossFit all the other days)

  4. Fletcher, I do not want to control portions or do 90-120 minutes of cardio, hence the idea of 10 days of high volume x-fit:)

  5. But you still appreciate my comments right? You said comments are appreciated LOL :-).

    If your goal is to get leaner and lose some weight, It's been empirically proven (and is really obvious of course) that you have to burn more calories than you consume (hence, portion control)... but ALSO, and maybe more importantly if this is the goal... aerobic heart rate levels during to adipose cells (fat) for energy if you are in that heart rate range. I think you'd be amazed if you ate 20% fewer calories and added fat burning HR zone exercise, the fat will disappear. (and eat clean, of course, and sleep good!).

  6. I meant "turn to" adipose cells.. fat cells.. as an energy course. It's a different energy pathway. If you are kicking ass CrossFit style, that's not always going to be the case.


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