Monday, October 28, 2013


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:
Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Box jump, 24 inch box
Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
Post time to comments.
Compare to 110704.


  1. Boy I was flat on into the redline by the start of the round of 20 and seeing stars by the start of 10. The decreasing reps allow you to maintain pace if not increase it at the end. Anyway, I kept the wheels on just long enough to beat Fletcher's time from last go around by 6 seconds with a 24:54 and I am done. Great work out.

  2. Nice PR Justin! I've had to take a couple extra days of rest. My abs are so sore from the GHD's it hurts to sneeze. I'll be back at it tomorrow.

  3. I had you in my sights but came up short. Huge PR for me anyways. Wheels started coming off middle of the set of 30. Pushed through it.

    TT: 25:11 PMFR

  4. Nice work Chris, too bad me you and Fletcher from way back when couldn't have been head up. I bet we all would have been a hair faster and there would have been no way to pick the winner.

  5. Good night that is nasty! I had a blistering pace on the round of 50, done there in 6:45 but then the wheels started to fall off. really a mental battle around the round of 20. TT 23:36, a PR for me... but I can't help but think I could squeeze a little more out of that one given the pace on the first 50 (which, had I kept that pace, would be a 20:15 time... I don't expect to keep that pace exactly just due to the wear and tear, but I sure fell way off). Good job by all, that's a "heart and soul" type of workout. My buddy Jason came this morning, he's been doing CrossFit with me for about a month, he did this with 45 lb KBS and got 29:59. Quite legit for a rookie!

  6. Way to crush it Fletcher, that is a bad ass time.

  7. Some of my box jumps were (and always have been) step ups though... not sure if you guys always jump up or sometimes do you step up? I mix it in. Always thought that was legit. Still have to get your body from the floor to the top of the box with hips extended.


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