Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fat Fran


  1. Crushed the thrusters. Went 12&3, 7&5, 6&3 which in turn crushed me. Pullups were really slow but I managed to get me a 42 second PR at 10 minutes flat, so I will take it.

  2. Can you help me find the 04/15/2013 post on our blog? I cannot find it. It was the day before the Row 500/Bench WOD, but I couldn't find the thing.

    I surprised myself, did this RX'd, and got 9:49. Thrusters were the surprising part... went 11/5, 8/4, 6/3. The WPU's did suck. I don't know if I got a PR, but I bet I did... in fact I bet I didn't even do this WOD last time, or if I did, I probably didn't go RX'd. Tomorrow is Morrison, then Thursday I have a "surprise" for my WOD-mates that I can't wait to post and show you guys. Friday I'll ride the bike to/from work.

  3. You did do this in Nov 2011.
    "TT 11:56
    55 lb WPU's slowed me waaaaay down.
    I scaled the thrusters down to 115 cos the 135s during warmup were scaring my lower back (leftovers from the thrusters snatch balance WOD).
    To make up for it (and perhaps an overcompensation) I added 10 lbs to the WPUs for a grand lovely total of 45 pullups done with 55lbs hanging from my waist. I am weighing in at 220 right now, so 45 275 lb pullups is good enough for me."
    Didn't see it done in 2013 before. I would say PR for you.


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