Wednesday, October 16, 2013

OHS heavy/FS heavy/BS heavy


  1. This went pretty weak for me. I need to rethink some supplemental work.
    OHS 175/185F/195/205F
    FS 210/225/255/285/305/320F
    BS 320F
    It was kinda funny though on the back squat. That should be rather light but my legs were done. I ended up stuck on the ball for about four seconds before I dumped. Crazy how that weight just feels crushing on a front squat but on a back squat it is heavy but not really bad.

  2. I kept this light (and I will always have to) but did 2 second pauses ass as far down as possible (and I am quite flexible, so I was way below knees)

    OHS to 135, FS to 185, BS to 255, all with the pause on bottom.


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