Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hanstand Walk Diane


  1. Needless to say I suck at handstand walks and did not feel like making a fool of myself in front of the neighbors, so I was going to do Diane, but then I remembered I suck at HSPs because I am lazy and do not practice them and I avoid them like the plague in workouts. So I did it with 135# presses and push presses instead along with the 225# dls. Went pretty fast in 8:34, much better met con for me than HSP. Press went 6 in round one, 2 in 2, and 1 in three. I am sure I will get back on the horse and start practicing the HSPs again next week...

  2. Same sub as last time HSPU's for HS Walks, but much slower.

    TT: 8:14

  3. Hey Fellars... I added a pic of my getup for biking to work yesterday AM. When I left it was like 35 degrees, not super cold, but when you are going 22 mph on a bike it is. half way through the ride I pulled over and took off the mittens and goggles for some glasses and regular mid duty gloves. Fun ride. Time was 69 minutes, slower than usual by 4 minutes. Hard to ride good with all that crap on. I feel like a big puss with my time on this one today. First we did the ascending squat WOD then I did this but with HSPU's to AbMat. My HSPU's suck. TT 10:00 flat.

  4. DL 155# and instead of Handstand walks did 653 shoulder press (started with 85#s and lowered it after 15 reps).

    TT 11:16.77


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