Thursday, October 24, 2013

AMRAP 15 Minutes - 15 C2B's and 30 second L-sit hold


  1. Tough WOD. C2B's got tough 1/2 way through and L-sits were less then perfect. I tried to maintain form as best as possible.

    5 Rounds + 4 C2B's

  2. Nice work Chris. I think 5 days in a row was about 2 days too many for me. I was done before I started and the warm up 5k was probably not the smartest idea either, but oh well still got me in some CTBs and some bad for l-sits. 4 rounds + 10 CTB.

  3. 5 rounds + 13 CTB Pull-ups.
    L sits were not so L sits on most.

  4. Wow... good, this thing destroyed all of us. I was feeling like a huge pussy because the CTBs just weren't working for me. Got 5 rounds + 10 CTBs. Rested 10 minutes, then did the 15 minutes of PP/OHS/GHD. Double day. Rode bike to work yesterday and got a PR (63:20) then rode home and got another PR (53:15). Legs were feeling that today.


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