Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bent Over Rows 5x5


  1. It was way weird to do these bent over rows again. Definitely used to be one of my favorites at the gym. Filled up the "rest" time with GHDs sets of 15 and 5x5 ring dips and it still felt like I was just standing around scratching my balls waiting for something to fucking do...crazy how that is how I used to "workout."

    Rows 135x5/155x5/175x5/185x5/195x5/205x5/215x4

    Ring Dips 20x5/20x5/35x5/40x5/42.5x5/45x1

    Going to enjoy a day of rest tomorrow.

  2. This WOD certainly was a trip down memory lane. I did sets of 15 push-ups and situps in between rounds.


  3. Did this last week. Just did 5 sets of 10 single arm bent over row with 24kg kettlebell. One set of 5 with 32kg kettlebell.


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