Thursday, October 3, 2013



  1. I pushed as hard as I could on this one and I got a pr, but I can't help but think with a little more mental fortitude I could have done a few more reps together here and there and really cut my time time 11:35 as rx'd. Always a great wod that combined Fran and fairly heavy weight.

  2. Damn Justin you are a strong ass dude. Wow.

    I haven't done this one RX'd in a few years, back when I hurt my back really bad it started with DL 3's, then shortly after I did DT and I was hosed for months.

    Based on that, I was reluctant to do this RX'd, but I have been upping the weight a little bit on things lately without injury, so I decided to do this RX'd at first, and if I felt any damage happening, I would scale down.

    Well nothing hurt, so I did do it RX'd, but I wasn't going at "out for blood" speed... I was conservative. Anyway, cool to do this RX'd without getting hurt, but Justin's time makes me look like an old lady. 14:37.

  3. Justin, check out your time the first time you did this on our blog. 20:06!

    Looking through the archives, I actually got a PR today, which is silly... I didn't go super hard.

  4. And then you have Khalipa doing it in 6:18. WTH?


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