Friday, November 1, 2013

5 rds/15 kettlebell burpee/2 thruster/1snatch


  1. I had no idea how to do a kettle bell burpee and I don't have any kettle bells, so I just did burpees holding 20# dumbells and touched them over my head on the jump. Try it, very almost silly hard in the later rounds. Then 155# thruster and power snatch. Knees just weren't feeling the squat snatch today. Finished in 15:56. Great workout. Last three snatches were the result of miracles.

  2. check this out, around 1:44 is a good variation for a CrossFitter:

  3. Used the biggest pair of KBs I had, the 53 pounders. Thrusters were 145, Snatch was 115. Dropped thrusters down to 115 round 3 because I was tired of switching weight and wanted to get the metcon burn. The KB burpees were really interesting... hard work. Did deep press push-up on the down, and jumped off the ground at the up. "Jumping deadlifts" anyone? Good workout. 13:35. Very sore from the 50 wall climbs. That was nasty on Sunday.

  4. I knew going I couldn't go heavy with the lifts because of the shoulder. Used 115 throughout and 2 45# dumbbells for the burpees.

    TT: 11:16


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