Monday, November 25, 2013

Holy Wallballs


  1. I took a week off to do some deer hunting. Got a 7 pointer and saw a ton of deer in the process. I had this one to welcome me back.

    Tougher than I thought it would be.

    As Rx'd: 20:36

  2. Chris, that time is just flat flying. I am hitting this after work with 500m rows and I thought it would be a bona fide miracle if could get it sub 25 minutes! Nice work.

  3. Did 45# thrusters instead of wallballs. Too much junk in the way, plus my thrusters suck.
    Runs - 1:36.31, 1:46.25, 1:41.45
    Thrusters - 2:23.62, 3:12.61, 2:53.10

    Only did 3 rounds

    TT 13:33.34

  4. 26:42 with rows.

    Chris, you the man! Also, ask me or Fletcher if you want the chance to do one of the best crossfit work outs ever invented and we will share it with you. Have to have a cell phone and an open mind, but it is awesome.

  5. Thanks Justin. I was hating life for a long time after. I think I pressed a little too hard on this. Send the workout my way! I'm curious to see what you guys are up to now.

  6. Chris, I am glad you want to try the new wod. You will want to do it after a rest day or a non huge day, like today would not be good if you legs feel like mine after the wall balls.

    You will need your garage gym set up so that you have access to do any major crossfit moves. Have out and ready a empty 45# oly bar, two 45# plates, two 25# plates, two 15# plates, a jump rope and a wall ball. You will also need to have your cell phone handy and a stop watch or a timer. You will warm up completely not knowing what the work out is, then you will either call me or Craig for instructions. You will want your body to be ready for anything. You will also need your phone to recieve intsturctions during the workout. You will want to give the work out your best effort or you will regret it later. Just coordinate on a time with me or Craig for the phone call.

  7. Chris, I will just have to laugh at you when you do Justin's goofy WOD. Let me know how it goes.

    As posted on the bench press posting, I did this immediately after bench 3 reps x 10 (up to 225). I subbed 500M rowing... which slows you down I think getting unstrapped and strapped back in each time. The wall balls were very discouraging, even in the first round I wanted to call it off and try another day after the bench... but I pressed through it... tt 23:53. Chris your time is insane. Justin I emailed Chris asking him if that was a typo.. LOL.


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