Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bench Press x 2 10 sets


  1. Justin I hear you on the legs. Mine are pretty damn sore as well.


    I backed off the gas pedal at 225. Definitely had more in the tank, but didn't want to push my luck with the shoulder. Did the last 5 sets Louie Simmons speed style.

    Later fellas

  2. Did weighted dips instead last night. Used 60#s. Made it through 8x2 and then only got one on 9 and 10. Messed around with weighted legless rope climbs too, 10, 25, 35, and made it about 5' with 45 pounds. It is an interesting test of grip strength for sure. Also, with the weight hanging between your legs there is no saving yourself with the feet if the grip slips on the way down.

  3. I did this RIGHT before the 5 rounds of wall balls and running. So that metcon sucked because my shoulders were ruined.

    I did this WOD with 3 reps instead of 2... didn't want to go super heavy. Started at 135 and added 10 pounds/round and got up to 225x3. That was enough for me. Shoulder was feeling it. rest 5 minutes, then 5 rounds of row 500M/50 WB. Yuck.


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