Wednesday, November 6, 2013

2011 CF Games Regional WOD #6

Here is a link to when we did this last:


  1. Umm... ya. I was REALLY slow today. My body is just sore... really sore, must be from those 50 wall climbs Sunday.

    I did this in 16:47 2 1/2 years ago, took a full 20:00 today. I knew I was slow. The ground to overhead with 90 lbs (2 45X dumbbells) were very hard cos of my shoulders, and the TTBs were done hardcore strict, no kick or swing at all, full extension on top and bottom... so that made it really slow too. But hey, I got a good WOD in. Going bird hunting and golfing tomorrow, so a day off.. Friday I am cycling to/from work. Back at the CF fun Sat/Sun. See you then.

  2. Fletcher no kip or swing at all on the TTB? I don't think I could do 3 like that let alone 50. That is impressive. I subbed 115# ground to overhead with a bar, still probably was way easier than the dumbbells but my body was saying hell no to 40 135#ers. Total time as described 18:03. Good wod.

  3. I don't have 45# dumbbell so that is why I went heavier. Good to see everyone posting lately.

  4. Yessir... very strict, no kip or swing. Stand straight up and down on all reps with arms and legs locked, then just raise feet up to the bar. My time sucked though :-). The DBs and TTB took the longest, especially the TTB. Ridiculous.


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