Sunday, June 5, 2011

2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 6

For time:
Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
45 pound Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 40 reps
50 Toes to bar
100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead
150 foot Sprint


  1. Man this one was harder than it looked on paper. Subbed 20 SDHP's for the row, everything else RX'd.

    TT: 17:47

    Sore as hell from yesterday's WOD. Enjoy your Sunday fellas.

  2. Chris: Way to hit it hard lately.

    WODoers: Friday had a really low 105kg c&j, but then rallied. Got a 110kg push jerk pr, picked up from the rack. Did 145kg olympic full depth back squat, so different to go full depth. Then evil coach had us finish with "baseline" which is row 500m, 40 squats, 30 situps, 20 push ups, and 10 pull ups 3:47 pr, evil little wod.

    Ran 55 minutes saturday and legs felt good. Mowed the yard with the old school prison reel mower yesterday

  3. I did this one after the Snatch Balances yesterday.

    I really sucked on this one. The 40, 50, and 100 rounds really killed me.

    TT = 24:36

  4. Wowee?! I guess this party is at my house until Justin or Chas give me a well deserved spanking.
    Everything RX'd. TT 16:57.

    I was totally drenched in sweat after this one, garage was 80 degrees - didn't get this in in the AM because I went golfing with my dad, 9 holes at 5:30 AM. I read the dumbbell to overhead's as one 45 lb dumbbell in each hand, 90 lbs total, pick up off of the ground and get both overhead with elbows locked out then back to the floor. Repeat x40. That part sucked balls, took me 7 minutes. TTB's were quite tough after that. I was doing those one at a time the last 20 or so, but very short break in between. Heck the lunges were also a bastard! CROSSFIT SUCKS ASS I LOVE IT!!


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