Thursday, June 16, 2011


5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps


  1. Subbed 500M rows for runs, sucked ass since I rowed 4K yesterday. I scaled OHS to 75 lbs.


    Hardly rested

  2. Nice Fletcher. I got 17 flat rowing the last time we did this. I'll see if I can keep up the pace today.

  3. If you did that with 95 lbs you kicked my ass

  4. Another Fletcher Tripe post! I just wanted to mention that I was SORE AS HELL from "Small" yesterday... great day to pound the legs some more.

  5. I crushed this WOD today. Major PMFR.

    As RX'd : 15:40

    First 3 rounds of OHS unbroked, last 2 10 & 5's

    Time for some swimming!! Later fellas.

  6. I meant unbroken, but you get the idea.

  7. It ain't broked? I wussed out, now I'm pissed. Good job Chris. That's why I like this group though... we all beat each other from time to time one way or the other. No one of us crushes everyone else every day. I'm still gloating on my "Small" performance since I got beatdown today.

  8. TT = 16:50 w/ 500m rows

    And yes, 95# OHS as rx'd

    I made all the OHS sets unbroken, which helped a lot mentally. Rows slowed as I went but ranged 1:48-1:56.

  9. Man I am a big huge pussy. Good job Chas. I need to do this one again someday.

  10. I got this one in yesterday afternoon. Running was a long ways away from the squat rack, so I ended up doing 50# db squats instead of OHS.

    TT = 17:03

    Wanted sub-17, but was close. I didn't really get into a groove on my db squats until halfway through the second round. So, I should've made sub-17, but didn't. Later fellas.


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