Thursday, June 30, 2011

Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3

Deadlifts 3-3-3-3-3


  1. I wasn't expecting to see this one again so soon, but I started heavier this time around.

    Warm-up 135x10, 215x5


    Where is Chaszy Chazelton been lately?

  2. Nice work you big strong boy. When I did 365x3 that's when my back popped and crunched and then went in, got scanned, found the extra vertebrae that was broken into pieces!

    Justin, next time you are in Denver, I have two 45 lb metal weights for you. Free gift. Just come and see me baby.

  3. I'm here. I've been on a mini-vaca w/ the fam. I've been off the mainsite but getting in about a 2.5mi run every morning, and a bunch of surfing each day. It's amazing how a switch to different exercises can make you so sore, especially when you throw in running on the beach. Calves have been screaming at me.

    I'll be back for the Sat cycle.

  4. Fletcher: I am stoked about the gift. That is awesome. Hopefully I will be in your neck of the woods sooner rather than later.

    WODoers: Man I have felt like shit lately. I think it is all the changes with monica and her daughter moving in. I am an in bed at 9:30 and up at 5:15 guy and she goes to bed closer to 10:45 or 11:00, so we are adjusting.

    Today was rough at oly lifting. Clean 105kg but could not jerk it. I was pissed off but tired. Got a pr with a true 95kg snatch balance and a 135kg front squat, so can't wine too much, but I think I need to refocus on stretching in the evenings and eating right. I fucking hate it when I miss lift 20 pounds under prior prs!

    Chris: Way to crush those deads!!


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