Saturday, July 2, 2011

Front Squats and Burpee Pullups

3 rounds of 12 135 lb FS, 12 burpee PU's


  1. Slept 6 hours two nights ago, about 4-5 hours last night. Got up at 5 and went and golfed 9 with my dad, very hilly and long course, actually made me kinda tired! Then got home and the garage was already about 80 degrees, did CFWUx2 and then did this WOD RX'd in 8:50 using the high up pullup bar for the burpee pullups. It only seemed right. I have to jump about 8 inches to grab it.

    I was beat down before I even started. You guys should be able to smoke me. Don't allow a party at my place here, I rested too much and went too slow. I haven't done 135 lb FS's in a really long time but I went for it today.

  2. Did this one out in the hot ass garage, suppose to go up to 90 here today, we are at 84 now. Front squats aren't one of my favorites, they seem to kill by wrists, but I got it done.

    TT: 7:05

    Enjoy the weekend fellas!

  3. Chris: Thanks for posting a good number. I went as fast as I could in round 1 and then just hung on for 6:57.

  4. Well golly gee. I am sitting here thinking why my time sucks so bad. I think a lot of it had to do with the burpee pullups... every time I had to look up, orient where I was (like step back or forward) then leap up to the bar. Either that, or I just pussed out. :-)

    Justin, come get your weights.


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