Tuesday, July 26, 2011



  1. Was going to do this after the oly stuff but ran out of time.

    Work up to heavy single power clean 205# today.

    3 sets 2 snatch pull 205# 10 knees to elbows

    Rest and mobility for me tomorrow.

  2. Hey guys. I just got back from a "fitness vacation"... mountain biked three days in a row, climbed 8,000 feet or so, then did a big hike yesterday. Will post pics soon. I am resting today (sore as hell) and back on the WOD's tomorrow.

  3. I had a vistor today in the Simpson Garage Gym. My 20 year old nephew finally decided to give CrossFit a go. So we did Jackie and I had him cut the reps in half. Needless to say it spanked his ass good. Hopefully he'll be back for another day. : )

    Subbed 100 SDHP's for the rows

    TT: 9:07

  4. I like this one but the PUs always kill me at the end.

    TT = 8:10 PR by 15secs

  5. PS nice move Chris. This is the second summer we've had my nephew stay with us - he's 17 - and I always get him down in the basement for WODs. Last year was classic; HQ gave us FGB while he was here. We did Helen yesterday but it was kind of a clusterfuck, and he took off for the track today instead of doing this one. Now it looks like we'll be running again tomorrow...oh well, hopefully we'll get a real slogger for Thurs before he heads back north.

  6. Chas first and foremost kick ass time on this WOD. You beat me good and I thought I had a fairly decent time. I think I went too fast on the SDHP's and I paid the price when it came time to do the Thrusters.

    It's alot of fun having someone to workout out with. I've been pushing him to give CF a try but he's young and still has that globo gym mentality. To appease him we "warmed up" with some flat and incline bench press. Needless to say he walked away humbled by his first CF expeirience. It's not often a 41 year old can beat down a 20 year old, but it kind of felt good. : )

    Lets hope we get a nasty one on Thursday. Not thrilled with the running either, but it is what it is I guess.

    Craig I need to make a trip West to WOD with you and Chelle. Justin way to get strong(er). Keep it up!

  7. Good work fellas. I'll have to hit this one tomorrow along with the running. I was in Salmon Arm, BC Sunday until yesterday and have been writing a report and in class all day today. So, no time for WODing. But, tomorrow should be better.

    One more final Thursday and I got this MBA whooped.

    Later fellas.

  8. Good thread here. I can barely type, keep having to backspace and correct.

    TT 7:46

    Row was 3:42, done with thrusters at 5:30 (two quick rests, first 30 unbroken, did not put bar down), first 10 pullups unbroken, then 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1

    Big time PR. Man that hurt bad.

  9. Did this one yesterday afternoon. My workout kept getting interrupted though. I warmed up a bit downstairs then headed up to start on the rowing. Felt great on the rower, then hurried downstairs to do thrusters/PU's. When I got down there a kid asked me to help him learn to do cleans, so I helped. Did thrusters, then my rugby friend stopped me to ask if I wanted to flip tires. Then, I got to PU's.

    TT = 13:27, total work time ~ 9 minutes

    Oh well, don't think I'd ever done this one before. That's the best thing about CF. There's always new WOD's to try.


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