Thursday, July 14, 2011

Waiter Walk WOD


  1. I did some snatch work this moring. Worked up to a 115# hang power snatch and then got a 150# power snatch.

  2. If beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy, then wods that end in 50 burpees is proof that coach does not!

    Did the pullup/burpee countdown/countup. Burpees ruined me. Last 50 took 7:45 TT=33:45 Yuck! Damned burpees.

  3. Hey guys I have been down with a cold. Should be ready for battle tomorrow. Justin, what are you referring to here? I think I am doing the 21 down to three of deadhang pullups and HSPU's tomorrow. HSPU's will have to be to AbMat, there are 84 of them!!!!!

  4. 50-10/40-20/30-30/20-40/10-50 awfulness

  5. Justin I remember that one. It sucked something fierce. You've gotta be some kind of masochist to pick out that one to do today.

    I used my 1.5pd KB for today's WOD. I'm pretty sure I got the distance about right outside.

    TT = 15:50

  6. Yes, Kook appears to be crazy choosing the PU/Burpee WOD as a make-up "just for fun." But, we all are a bit off I believe.

    I may have been about 10-15 yards short on my walks, but figured to be close. Also did my standard GHD sub sitting on a ball with my feet locked under a bench.

    TT = 14:43

    I suppose I should've looked this up before doing it, but does the waiter walk have you hold the weight at arm's length above your head or arm bent as if carrying a tray at eye level? I assumed the arm's length over head, but wasn't sure. Anybody else do it this way?

  7. It's fully extended overhead, if the demo vids are right. That's how I did it.

  8. Ya the vides showed the arm fully extended above the head.

    I did this one pure and RX'd. I have all of my distances measured out with one of those rolling measuring things, got it at Home Depot so my walks were precisely 100M. Did those without setting down the DB, last two were nasty on the shoulders. Also my mtn bike ride last night was nasty, 1,700 feet of climbing, 12 miles, 1 hour and 50 minutes. Lots of exertion these past 24 hours. Will rest tomorrow, Barbara on Tuesday, then going on vacatation for 5 days to Crested Butte for the food and wine festival and SERIOUS mountain biking.

    TT 16:06. How did we beat Kevin Montoya? I really never stopped on this one. The occasional single deep breath on the up of the GHDs was about it.


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