Saturday, July 16, 2011

Big ol' Bad Ass Barbara


  1. Just did the 84 rep dead hang pullup HSPU fun, and have a 2 hour mountain bike ride coming up this afternoon. I'll do this bitch in the next couple of days...

  2. Sad, sad showing on this one today. My gut is still way sore from those GHDs the other day, I lost it after two rounds.


    Fletcher what was your time?

  3. I didn't do er' yet! My body is beat down, had to rest today. Either tomorrow or Wed. I don't think your times are too bad here?!

    In November, which was not a PR.. I went 4:00, 4:18, 4:49, 4:50, 4:48

  4. (you have to be pretty damn healthy to even be able to DO Barbara RX'd!!)

  5. I meant the PU/HSPU WOD, but then I saw your post on that one. Nevermind. Anyway, I think hitting a 6-spot on any of the Barbara rounds is way too slow. Those situps were just brutal for me today.

  6. You guys are going to yell at me, but I DNF'd this one. I got REALLY nauseous. That's cos last night I went to a concert, drank some beers, stayed out late, got up early, slept like shit 3 days straight AND the garage was over 80. First three rounds went pretty good, then on pullups of round 4 I damn near puked and got dizzy and said fuck it.

    3:30, 4:27, 4:48, QUIT. First round was easy, went by really fast, I thought I was the man for a minute. Just a minute.

  7. I did this one yesterday afternoon. This one is such a sneaky bitch. When you're done with Round 1, you think - this ain't so bad, just keep pacing yourself and you'll be done in no time. Then, in Round 3, my thoughts are - fuck this, how am I ever going to get two more rounds completed, my 3 minutes is up already?!! Then, Round 5 rolls around and it's just a struggle to make it through.

    I forgot my timer, so I was using the wall clock to do times - not too accurate.
    Round 1 - 4:10 ish
    Round 2, 3 - 4:45 ish
    Round 4 - 5:25
    Round 5 - 5:35

    Then, one of the rugby guys asked if I wanted to go flip tires with him. Being an idiot I said I did. So, I went and did a 20 yard down and back with 20 yard sprints between. Then, we did an 80 yard down and back. Had nothing left at the end.


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