Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weighted Pullups

I am all alone in bloggy world... boo hoo


  1. I am much stronger with palms in (chin-ups) than palms out, so I went to failure on both types, alternating in between types.

    Palms out: 80-85-90-100(F)
    Palms in: 80-90-110-120(PR!)-125(F)-125(F)

    Funny how much easier 120 felt than 125. I tried twice.

    Did CFWUx2 also and a 500M row @ 1:39, which is like 90% effort to get warm.

  2. I worked out Friday night at a local playground because I was on the phone for 2 1/2 hours with an AT&T customer service rep (fuuuuuccckkkkk meee that was awful1) and the gym was closed by the time I got off the phone. I did:

    4 rounds of:
    run 1 playground lap (assumed 1/4 mile)
    10 PU's
    10 dips

    TT = no idea, but fun to work out outside

    Then, yesterday I went for a run by the Spokane River to check out the falls. I think it was about a mile down and a mile back. There was multiple stops and "scenic lookouts" also so not a good timed event either.

    Fletcher you're not alone, but all on your own instead.

    Later fellas.


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