Wednesday, July 6, 2011



  1. WODoers: I did the following subs. 2 Lclimbs from floor to 10'. Paralletts 30" apart head even or slighly below bars. Was able to do a couple to 4.5 inches below the bars in warm up but couldn't duplicate after the climbs. OHS to a stack of plates 20" high.

    Most of the ohs were negatives with help on the way back up from the other leg. Got 4 rounds in about twenty minutes and I could not do the last three HSPs of the fourth round. Very, very humbling workout.

  2. Nice work Justin... where are the boys on "Morrison?" Hey, I warmed up this AM, tried some moves, but my stomach is all messed up so I couldn't go. I have to wait til this passes. Got the shits, cramps, nausea, etc. Fun eh?

  3. I'm off to the beach for the next week so I'll be sitting the next couple cycles out. I'm going to try and do DT later today.

    Hit it hard while I'm gone boys.

    Myrtle Beach here I come!

  4. Hey fellas, I'm back for a little while. I had some friends that I used to work with last year come up from Houston for the past weekend. So, we went hiking in Glacier Park and did some other outdoor stuff in Montana all last week. Of course Ma had cookies and all kinds of terrible things around the house for us to eat.

    I would've bastardized this WOD big-time so I did Morrisson last night instead. I felt terrible, almost threw up, and was sweating my ass off. But, it felt great to be back in the gym. Later fellas.

  5. Good to hear from ya Mike!

    Morrison was hard.

    So I did this one this morning like this:

    5 rounds:
    2 legless rope climbs ass on floor to 9 feet, tried to do "L", but that was damn hard. Got it like that some of the time.
    5 head to floor HSPUs
    10 weighted pistols, 15 lb dumbbell in each hand

    I could not do overhead pistols with ANY amount of weight, I couldn't do the balancing part. Man that was humbling. Few people could do this WOD RX'd I am sure.

    TT 18:29. Kicked my ass

  6. This girl didn't have a problem with this one RX'd


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