Monday, July 18, 2011



  1. I was planning on doing big mean Barbara and this one as a double this morning. But, I started warming up for this one and felt like hell. My left hip has felt like it's out of place the last 3 or 4 days. My left shoulder/neck feels like it's out of place or something and hurts when I try to do anything with my hand over shoulder high. Long story short, I didn't get my double and subbed front squats for OHS.

    TT = 6:50 (w/135# front squats instead of OHS)

    DU's were about the worst I've ever done since I really started doing DU's. Longest string was 30, but still didn't have a single set under 4 breaks.

    Went and rode the bike for 15 minutes after just to see if that might help my hip work itself out. Later fellas.

  2. Good work Mike. No DUs (or SUs) for me today - pushing 100 outside and I didn't want to run in & out. So I did 115# OHS and side-to-side jumps over the bar. Still a lungburner.

    TT = 7:55

    Now to rest up for Manion tomorrow. Didn't we do a WOD last year that had sets of 29 135# squats?

  3. To answer my own question, it was Thompson, and it was 10rds of rope climbs/29 95# BS/farmers carry. This one's gonna hurt.


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