Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Run 3 Times

Three rounds for time of:

Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes


  1. Holy shit Craig! Awesome time dude. You guys kicked my ass, but SDHP's are harder. : )

    I beat all my times from the last time this came up so that is good. Sweating my ass off now.

    R1 - 3:36
    R2 - 3:32
    R3 - 3:27

    Mike great job getting your MBA. That's alot of hard work and dedication on your part.

    Later dudes

  2. Yeah, good work Mike! Plenty of time to work out once you're done. What are you looking to do for work by the way?

    My nephew and I went up the road to do hills today instead of the 800m's. About a 3/4 mi warmup run, then three sets on the hill, about 1/4 mile, then run back. We didn't time them but they kicked my ass big time. I'll be feeling it in the hammies tomorrow for sure. Good day.

    Nephew's a stud btw; he's incoming captain of his soccer team (VT state champions last year) and will be co-capt of varsity crew next spring. I tried to keep up with him on the hills but he steamed me at the top of each one.

  3. Chas, how does the stud nephew do on more "CrossFit like" WODs?

  4. He doesn't have a lot of lifting experience, so lots of stuff is foreign to him. It even took a little while for him to get comfortable with KBS the other day. But he did pretty well on FGB when he was here last year. He's basically in great shape and he's got some serious wheels, so any kind of simple metcon/running he's good at. But once things get a little technical it gets tough.

  5. Thanks for the compliments fellas.

    For work, I was hoping that I could find something that combined my engineering experience with the business side of things. My hope was to find something close to home in MT. So, I'm pretty open to just about anything for jobs in MT. But, the further away from MT the job is, the pickier I am. My best possibilities right now are a job that I've already been offered where I would live in Spokane, WA and would work basically as a specialist with different railroad companies - kind of so-so on this one but very appreciative to have an offer. Another job that I just interviewed on (and have a pretty good chance for) that I'm really excited about is a business consultant position that would be out of Portland. Other things I've applied for are in the energy industry, solar energy stuff, or R&D with sports companies (golf, K2, baseball).


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