Friday, July 22, 2011

Wall balls and Squat Snatches

Three rounds for time of:

30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5 foot target)
75 pound Squat snatches, 30 reps (movement initiates with barbell below the knees)


  1. This WOD kicked my ass hard. My ears are ringing and my hands are shaking as I type. Chas way hit the WOD's hard lately. I got back from the beach on Sunday. I've been working out but it was pretty hard to get back into the routine at first.

    This one did the trick.

    As Rx'd: 18:48

    TGIF Fellas!

  2. Going to be hitting the oly lifting hard and going for a snatch pr in two weeks, so will post here but haven't come up with a plan yet today. I miss 80kg today and it just wasnt there. Did back squat 150kg for a full depth pr. Nice work fells.

  3. Good job boys. I am on vacation in Crested Butte. There is a food and wine fest going on, but more importantly, KILLER mountain biking. Chelle and I rode for 4 1/2 hours today, climbed 3,000 feet, and rode 21 miles of single track. I AM SPANKED! But I felt good.. better than I have in previous years on that ride. I ate a bunch before the ride, and ate during too... I think that was the trick. Now we are going to a private chef dinner. Never done that before. We are splurging!!! YAHOO!!!!

  4. I did this one on Saturday as the front half of a double. My goal was to average 5 minutes per round. Everything felt real good. And, I beat my goal.

    TT = 13:50

  5. Wait a minute. Mike, you beat Chris by FIVE minutes? Did you do squat snatches, or power snatches? I am going to do this one. I think I am going to scale to power snatches because my legs are still toasted from my mountain biking vacation and Jackie... and I have to golf in the AM. GOlf is actually hard when your legs are toast, because you do a 1/3 squat and hold with every swing. Having really sore legs jacks you up.

  6. OK Mike - you MUST have done power snatches?!

    I waited too long for this one today, had to do it out in the hot sun. Not a good idea. Did power snatches cos my legs are a mess. Still took me 15:03 and I charged HARD. Damn. Check out the first workouts for the games. INSANE.


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