Tuesday, June 21, 2011



  1. As rx'd with 70# sandbag: 8 rounds 2 mu 1 hsp

    Hsps slowed me down. I have not done them in a while. I could done a tone more swings and muscle ups, looks like its time to put the hsps back into the warm up.

  2. Justin I'm with you, HSPU's were very hard today. Did them head to floor each time. The 70# dumbbell got heavy for the swings. I subbed 6 C2B's for MU's. Tough one for me today.

    10 Rounds + 6 C2B's

  3. I'm gettin' there on this one. I moved my rings as high as I could without putting my head thru the ceiling, and did 3 MU progressions, from my knees, per round. HSPU were ok, I used a 2" plate. And I did the swings w/ two 35# plates held together. Those got heavy and awkward real fast.

    9 rounds + 3MUP + 1HSPU

  4. This was mighty Fletcherized.

    Broke my ring so subbed 6 CTBs for MUs
    HSPUs were to AbMat (shoulder popping)
    KBS were 11 reps with 1.5 pood. Gave the 2 pood to the local fire department dudes, that thing just hurts my jacked up back.

    So there you have it.

    11 rounds + 6 CTBs, + 2 HSPUs to AbMat

  5. Played tennis instead of working out on Tuesday, so I got this one in a day late. Subbed 4:1 PU's/dips for MU's. Otherwise, as Rx'ed.

    7 rounds in 19:50

    Why's everybody else doing C2B's for MU's? Did I screw something up or miss something from the main site?

  6. Mike, I subbed C2B's because ring dips still hurt the shoulder almost a year after my surgery. They are getting better, but I'm not ready to tax the shoulder with a metcon with lots of ring dips.

  7. I did CTB's cos I broke my ring strap so I only have one ring. But I ordered new straps.


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