Tuesday, June 14, 2011



  1. 10 rounds run 400m/5MU TT=34:45 Tough WOD.

    Fletcher: I can teach you how to do a muscle up. Just listen up butter cup. Start with false grip. Next kip, but no super kip. As you pull up swing your legs into an L position fully extended. Pull the rings to your nipples touching with your thumbs holding your L. The L will naturally break at the top of the pull up, keep the legs straight, but LET THEM FALL and KEEP YOUR HANDS CLOSE TO YOUR CHEST, your legs falling will create a lever that shoots you forward and up. Voila Muscle Up. I learned this messing around with dead hang L muscle ups. It is crazy how hard it shoots you up.

    If that doesn't work, then just hang a permanent set of helper bands from your rings:)

  2. Thanks Justin! I will try this, and film it and post. I did Fran this morning at 5:30, that's too early for Fran. 5:45. Not fast... the round of 21 went fast, too fast, like 1:45, I thought surely I was going 4:30ish at that point.... then something weird happened. I began to experience difficulty in breathing, as if I was exerting myself, and then my forearms were labored, causing the pullups rather difficult. Have you guys ever had that experience during this workout called "Fran?"

    Chris, I promise you I will do SHORT tomorrow! I want the Honey Badger prize someday. Those things are bad ass... they just keep coming.

  3. Funny that exact thing happened to me. Holy Fran throat burn and my forearms are on FIRE! I almost got you Craig. I came in at 5:49 which is a PMFR for me and I'm real happy with that time.

    First time with Fran on the new bar. Pullups slowed me down big time. I did thrusters 15/6, 9/6 and 5/4. PU's were a whatever I could do. Fast WOD but tough little bitch.

    Later dudes

  4. Fletcher, you and I can both make up LONG tomorrow. I didn't have the hour to spare to make it up today, so I did Fran. 5:25, which is ok for me but I've done 5:10 before so no PR.

  5. Chas, let's do Small for sure tomorrow. It will be the first thing I do, I'm already fired up.

    I have done Fran in 4:54 and 5:04 before, but I must admit.. I didn't go balls to the wall this morning. I had a 6 hour customer meeting (at which I sold 100K in consulting services), and I didn't want to feel all whacked out, be coughing, etc. like Fran can do to me. Small tomorrow!!!

  6. Felt good in the gym last night. I made up my mind before I started Fran that I was going to do thrusters unbroken all the way through, then split the PU's up in 14/7, 10/5, and 9.

    TT = 4:50 - big time PMFR

    Like an animal that has been shot, I walked about 20 feet after finishing then laid flat on my back for a few minutes. Was extremely pleased with my time though.


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