Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Filthy Filthy Burpees


  1. I hate this wod, which is why I have managed to avoid it for a year and a half. Yuck, 2 minutes off pr time, still not feeling 100%, but went sub 1:30 on the DUs to keep it under 30 minutes. Burpees took a disturbing and painful 8 minutes. 29:51.

  2. This WOD just plain sucks. I was moving along at a good pace until I hit the Wall balls. Then the wheels came off and by the time I hit the burpees I was gasping for air. I subbed tuck jumps for the DU's, everything else as RX'd

    TT: 29:28 way of my PR, but I did this on my real pullup bar for the first time and jumps on the 24" box for the first time and I think this is where I lost time.

    Please let tomorrow be a lifting day, my ass is spanked!

  3. GD CS MF burpees! Those things are a killer at the end of the Filthy. I've even started doing 25 burpees per day as part of my warm-up, but no help at the end of the Filthy.

    TT - 33:50

  4. Last time I did this I got 25:54 subbing squats for DU's. This time was much worse, but I did it RX'd and I suck balls at DU's, especially when I can't breathe. TT 29:58. I was at 19:10 going into burpees, burpees took a month of Sundays, 26:40 after them (so 7:30 just for burpees, reason why is I went balls out during WB's) then the DU's took me another 3:18. BUT I DID IT RX'D!!


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