Friday, June 24, 2011

Run 1/2 mile, do Grace, run a 1/2 mile again!


  1. I subbed 1K rows. I only did 115 lbs for the C and J's as to not jack myself up.

    TT 13:22. Ass kicker. Of course.

    Going for a two hour mountain bike ride with 2,000 feet of climbing tomorrow. Word.

  2. Man you weren't kidding that was an ass kicker. Thanks for giving me a number to shoot for Craig. I just got you by a little bit. I scaled to 115 as well because shoulder is still sore from the HSPU's from the other day.

    TT: 13:11


  3. Wodoers: Worked up to one rep max snatch today. Got 80kg easy and then missed 85kg once and 86kg about seven times The punishment, today's wod after that shit with 135#s for the clean and jerks, man that second 800m sucked ass! TT as rx'd 12:34.

    What is up with 115# tinker bells?

  4. Did 135# on the C&J's as well. Running is slow, plus I was going from treadmill upstairs to weights downstairs and back up again. So, I was just plain slow.

    TT = 16:20


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