Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Burpee, More Like Pukie

For time:
50 Pull-ups
10 Burpees
40 Pull-ups
20 Burpees
30 Pull-ups
30 Burpees
20 Pull-ups
40 Burpees
10 Pull-ups
50 Burpees


  1. Did this one last night. I can't post from home any more for some reason, so I guess I'll just have to do it from my "work" computer.

    The Crime: Doing the WOD backwards - starting with 50 burpees, 10 PU's and working up.

    The Punishment: Not being able to finish the last round of PU's.

    So, 150 burpees, 100 PU's, TT = 37:35

    I spotted one of my friends midway, otherwise I probably would have gotten a WAY BETTER time. Felt like I was gonna puke from about the 30/30 round until the end. This one is gonna hurt for a couple days. Later fellas.

  2. Boy am I glad I caved in and turned on the AC today.

    TT = 33:15

    My hands look like roast beef. Those cleans are going to hurt tomorrow.

  3. My wife's friend Vickie started CrossFit a couple of months ago. She did this and puked, she did the pullups with an assist band. I am going to do this today, but thought I would post about yesterday's vacation WOD (I am home now). On the beach in Santa Cruz while watching surfers: 4 rounds of 100 single unders, 50 squats, 40 walking lunges. About 19 minutes. It was dope. 100 single unders is about the same as 15-20 double unders for me.

  4. After my wife did this yesterday morning she came inside and said "that was the hardest FUCKING workout I have ever done"... and she's not one to drop F bombs hardly ever. She went on to feel like poo the whole day, slept bad last night, and still doesn't feel right. She got her done in 37 minutes doing full burpees, and using the blue assist band for pullups, a fair scale indeed.

    Charlie I got you by a little bit here. Big blisters on hands. First 50 pullups 3:20, probably a PR, last 50 burpees about 5:40.

    TT 32:23. That was utterly exhausting. Why do they do it to us? 150 pullups and 150 burpees? Why? Why? Why? LOL.


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