Wednesday, November 27, 2013

5rds: run 400m/21 185# DL


  1. Oh the pain and soreness in my gluteous maximus!! Did 500m rows instead and it hurt. Had to do some arms only rowing in rounds four and five so my ass muscle would not cramp up entirely. TT: 17:02.

    Yeah rest days!!! Happy Turkey Day Boys!!!

  2. Justin way to set the bar high and make me push hard on this one. Something about DL's and run's that make this WOD hard. Same muscle groups for the most part. I made up over 2 minutes from the last go around.

    As Rx'd: 17:37

    Happy Thanksgiving Fellas!

  3. OK then...

    The "buy in" here was 5 rounds of power cleans with 5 reps @ 200 lbs, 1 minute rest in between....

    Then scaled the DLs here to 165, rowed 500M for the runs, TT 14:44.

    Lots of pulling motions today. Bench Press + Wall ball/row yesterday, with Willy the day before that... and can you say hello rest day tomorrow? Can't wait. Gonna cycle to work and back Monday before the snow flies. Went golfing today too and walked the course (that burns a lot of calories there), it's like 60 degrees and sunny out here... and it's November 30th?


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