Sunday, December 15, 2013

20min AMRAP of Handstand, Squat, L-sit, Flexed arm-hang holds for 30 sec.


  1. I new I wouldn't get many rounds doing it the correct way so I just did 6 rounds. Was going for 10, but the dog woke up the little one. That was probably OK because my L-sits were only lasting 5 seconds long.

  2. This, like many mainsite WODs, was harder than I thought it was going to be. I did the first round almost unbroken.... but only ended up with 6 rounds. L Sits and chin over bar holds got crazy. Just got back from a mini vacation in Crested Butte, CO for my 42nd birthday/Christmas. Lots of snowboarding, snowshoeing, eating, and drinking. back in the saddle.


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