Monday, December 23, 2013

January trimming

I hereby issue a challenge. Lose 10 pounds in January. We know how to do it. Drink less, eat less and healthier, sleep more, WOD hard and often, and throw in some play or cardio. Who's in? It's a $25 buy-in. Winner takes all. There has to be a prize of sorts, or some pain. If you lose the 10, you don't pay. If you do not, you must send whoever lost the most the $25. Maybe the rules could be better... what do you guys think. I could lose 10 lbs, I'd be leaner and meaner.


  1. Posting a first comment so you guys get alerted. New post, read it!

  2. I already lost 10 pounds, weighed 200 even this am, and yes eating healthier and drinking less were the primary cause:)

  3. I would lose this one. I just weighed myself and am at 148. I am normally around 150#s so it is probably water weight from that last WOD I did. It was 85 degrees here today. 80% of weight loss comes from diet.

  4. Justin nice work then. Good disciplined living is a big deal, proud of ya buddy. The trick is staying where you are. Dave, you are a trim dude. Chris, maybe you are down? $50 bet? If we both get it done no one pays. If one does, and the other does not, the "does not" guy sends the other $50. Let's get it on bitch. (I love you sir)

  5. I'm in Dale. If I win you buy me a rower. If you win 50 bucks it is. Sound like a deal? : ) But seriously, we'll both win and I can definitely stand to lose me some weight.

    Game on and Merry Christmas to you and your families CrossFit Crew!

  6. Sweet. The competition doesn't start until 1/1. We will weigh in, and post pictures of our scales on 1/1. Then on 2/1 we weigh in again. This is the day before the Denver Broncos play in the Super Bowl. 10 pounds in one month might be tough.


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