Thursday, December 26, 2013


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
8 Toes to bar
35 pound Dumbbell thruster, 8 reps
35 pound Dumbbell walking lunge, 12 steps


  1. Tougher than it looked, as a Hero WOD should be.

    5 Rounds + 4 T2B.

  2. Went to my parents FL condo this weekend. The pullup bar they have in the gym was one that mounts to the door frame, so did the T2Bs without any swing. Also, they didn't have any 35 pound dumbbells so used 30s.

    4 rounds + 8 T2B + 3 thrusters

  3. What's up boners? My knee is jacked... but I had a buddy come over for a WOD. First, we "warmed up" with Grace. I did it "straight legged"... meaning the cleans were caught with straight legs, then I did push press (not a jerk, couldn't catch with legs bent, gave a sharp pain)... so it was even close to a raw press. Despite all that awful stupidness, I got 4:28. I think PR is like 3:36.

    Then rested 7 minutes and set up...

    Then did this WOD and got 6 rounds + 8 TTB. And now I am pummeled. Time to do yardwork and clean up all the Christmas decorations.

    The 10 pound weight loss challenge begins in 4 days! I have like 12 people doing it. Everyone is putting in $100. If you don't lose 10 pounds by 2/1 you distribute your $100 evenly among those who did lose the $100. Incentive!


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