Wednesday, December 11, 2013



  1. Now that it's over I am disappointed that I scaled to 115. Two reasons I did that: 1), I am working out with a buddy not as strong, and 2), I am going on a business trip this morning so I didn't want to be so sore Thurs/Fri that I couldn't move.

    So I scaled to 115, subbed 1K rows for the 800M runs. I messed up though and didn't start with a 1K row, so I had to finish with a 2K row, which really sucked balls and cost me some time due to exhaustion level at that point. Starting with a 1K and doing 4 of those instead of lift/1k/lift/1k/lift/2K would have saved me time. I write all of this for self reference for next time, not to annoy you guys.

    TT 32:00

    Oh, I just bagged the muscle up.. I was done.

  2. I did a shit ton of bench press last night. I'm going to have to wait a couple days to do this one.

  3. Wow, this was definitely a very hard work out to honor another great hero. I don't have a bench so I started out with 20# weighted vest ring push ups, but I was reduced to singles by rep 30 so I shed the vest and just finished with ring push ups. It was still brutal.

    Missed the first muscle up attempt but got the second, did it right too, with full games style lock out at the bottom. TT as described = 34:53

    I will not be moving correctly on Friday. Hope its not a powder day or I will really have to man up...and probably take some aleve to get my old fat ass out on the slopes.

  4. Oh yeah I forgot, squat rx'd
    not bad for an old fat guy.

  5. Scaled the WOD big time. Did these as 1k rows instead of runs. Also did 5 sets of them instead of 4. The squats and bench became air squats and pushups, but with different reps.
    1k row 50 squats and 50 pushups
    1k row 40 squats and 40 pushups
    1k row 30 squats and 30 pushups
    1k row 20 squats and 20 pushups
    1k row 10 squats and 10 pushups
    TT 42:17.52

  6. Hey guys. Dave, you are doing the work, and that is what matters. Justin, those squat rep counts are BOSS.

  7. Justin, the most impressive thing to me is that you did the last 20 squats unbroken after all of that work. You are a macho man.


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