Thursday, December 5, 2013

5 RFT 10 Kettle Bell C and J and 3 Muscle Ups


  1. TT 14:36

    DId KBC&Js RX'd and did 6 CTB and 6 ring dips for MUs.

    Had a bit of a hangover from a Christmas party last night. Stiff, tall, white russian towards the end of the night did me in. Made the WOD tough.

  2. Fighting a cold that won't really turn into a full blown cold or just go away, really annoying. Left hamstring still has a baseball sized knot in it from the row+105 deadlift wod of stupidity I did last week. But pressed on. Did this with 115# power clean and jerks with the bar and muscle ups as rx'd. Good little wod, TT=9:49 as described.

  3. Can I just say that my abs are destroyed from 100 GHDs two days ago? Geesh... even changing positions in bed is just painful!

  4. Fletcher, that is me too. I almost fell off the rings when I kipped to do my first muscle up warming up last night. Had to warm up for about ten minutes just to get the pain to a bearable level.


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