Thursday, December 19, 2013



  1. Will do this tomorrow. Arms not feeling it from the dips and presses earlier this week.

  2. My left knee has been feeling funny ever since the hang squat cleans. It is weird. I quit wearing my oly shoes for a long time after I got the nanos and then I put them back on for those. It is not like an injury but more like something is not quite lined up right. Going to give it another week and then talk to a PT I think.

    Anyway, I was a total pussy and used that as an excuse to do this with power cleans. Got me a pr, but Elizabeth with power cleans in a complete wuss out compared to the work out with squat cleans. 5:43 pr as wuss'xd.

  3. I have only done this one time before RX'd, and that was in 9:37. Gonna do this today! And also row 5K, just to make sure I am miserable.

  4. Justin, I think this is the first time I've seen you post that you have an injury??

  5. It went away today and feels fine. I have never had an injury(more than ripped hands) from following the main site programing. I have definitely had a few serious tweaks in the time I have been doing crossfit, but they were all from either sports and/or recreation activities and also a few from oly lifting focused training and/or training for the half marathons.

  6. That's amazing after 5-6 years you have never been hurt. You are one of the few... and maybe the only person I know that can say that. You were well built sir. So today my Elizabeth was dreadful. Lots of bar stare. TT 10:33 RX'd. BUT WAIT... there is an explanation, not an excuse, a legitimate explanation. Immediately before the WOD, I did "Flower" by Moby with back squats at 115. Those low holds got crazy. I missed/failed three out of the 30 reps. We didn't rest more than 2 minutes after this before jumping right into Elizabeth. Check this out:


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