Friday, May 16, 2014

50-40-30-20-10 of GHD Sit-ups and KB Swings


  1. GHD sit-ups RX'd. Kettlebell 1.5 pood


  2. I sliced this one up a little bit. I don't like doing more than 100 GHDs, I just get TOO sore nowadays. So for the first round, I did 50 regular situps, the rest were GHDs. Also did a 1.5 pood KB and did the first set of 50 unbroken... not sure if I have done that before with a 1/5 pood. Also added 100M run in between each round for my buddy Heath who just ran 1/2 marathon a couple of days ago... to "shake the legs loose"...

    TT 19:55


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