Monday, May 19, 2014

AMRAP in 10min of Bar MU and Thrusters


  1. I do not have a bar, or rings for that matter, that are tall enough to do MUs. I went down to the park to try some bar MUs. Set the timer for 10 min and started to try these strict. I tried about 4 and could only get one elbow above the bar. I did one kipping. Then I strung 3 together kipping. It started to rain, so I got only one more. Bar was too wet for any more.

    Time for some deadlifting.

  2. Nice work Dave. The bar muscle up still baffles me, but I now have a place where I can practice, no need to get it done. Warm up for 20 minutes practicing and just could not get a bar muscle up. I am able to slam my chest or abdomen into the bar with tremendous speed when I kip, but that doesn' t do me any good, and I just cant quite pull it off strict. So I did this with jumping bar muscle ups. 3 rounds plus 4 jumbping bar muscle ups. My legs and wrist hated the thrusters today.

    New goals for 30 days.

    Sub 7 minute mile.
    Bar muscle up.
    Finish Regional 5 in less than 10 minutes.

  3. Now need to get it done, not no need to get it done!

  4. Hey guys... did yardwork hardcore (like all day long) this past weekend, super exhausted from that, so I thought this morning it would be good to go BALLS OUT on my bike and try to PR my commute to the office. Got it. Previous PR was 61:15, this AM went 56:28. Ridiculous! All of the lights were in my favor (I have to cross about 6 intersections) and it was really the first time I ever really hammered so hard that literally every pedal stroke was (or I tried to) maximum effort. Back to the main site tomorrow AM. Glad you guys are posting!

  5. Justin - You should be able to get the barMUs. I think they are easier than the ring MU and you can do those. Granted, I have only done 1 strict and 1 kipping ring MU and only what I have done today on the bar MUs.
    Here is a good video on bar MU
    Or type "Muscle up tutorial - Barstarzz Sweden" in the search box on youtube if link doesn't work.

  6. Thanks for the link Dave. I am going to add some of those moves to my warm up and/or cool down over the next couple of weeks and see if I can't get there.


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