Monday, May 19, 2014

For Time 100m Lunges, 800m run, 100 squats


  1. I know this is tomorrows WOD, but I needed a 10-15 min metcon. I did my DL earlier (5x10@185, 5x5@205).
    100m walking lunges 3:01.30
    800m run 3:24.46 (faster time than yesterday's 800m)
    100 squats 4:00.79
    TT 10:26.55
    A little faster on everything and I could get sub 10min.

  2. I did this one with runs through the field. Lunges and squats were rx'd but the run was estimated.

    100m walking lunges 2:46
    800m run 4:26
    100 squats 2:42

    Total time 9:55

    Holy shitake mushroom balls I was fighting off the quadricep cramps by the end of this one.

  3. Had a fun morning. Warm-up included 30 pushups and max reps ring dips in a set, I got 22.... first 15 went unbroken, then stopped in the "up" position and then banged out 5, then the last two were a grinder before stepping off.

    Did the WOD with 1K Row (3:50), the rest RX'd, made a "rule" that hands cannot touch the legs at any time during lunges or squats. TT 9:35

    Then did max reps dead hang palms out pull-ups, got 11.

    Giving a keynote today at a tech conference, 400 people today. That should cause pants crapping. Only slept 5 hours last night either a) getting ready for this or b) tossing and turning in bed thinking about it.


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