Thursday, January 22, 2015

30s Chipper

For time:
30 medicine-ball cleans, 20-lb. ball
30 ring dips (Subbed 50 box dips, I don't have rings yet)
30 medicine-ball cleans, 20-lb. ball
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
30 medicine-ball cleans, 20-lb. ball
30 push-ups
30 medicine-ball cleans, 20-lb. ball

Have been doing WODs with neighbors—its been fun getting them hooked. Like Craig, the community of garage Crossfitters is growing. 

I have a tweaked hamstring from playing soccer, so the MB cleans gave it a good stretch but didn't bother it to bad. 

TT: 12:48


  1. Glad to see you posting bro! Put your results in the comments though, not the body of the post. I gotta ask you about the med ball cleans because your time is REALLY fast. With your cleans, were you using a 20 lb full size medicine ball, picking up from floor, going ass below knees, then standing all of the way up upright (so two squats per move, one where you pick up the ball, and the other where you do the front squat after the power clean)? If so, your time is CRAZY... if not.. maybe you were just doing power cleans and not the full pick up from the floor and then do the front squat. That's what sucks about these things... two squats per rep.

  2. Oh any anyway... did this RX'd in 15:31 with full squat cleans on the MBC's, stand it up, rep done (two squat motions per rep). First time doing CTBs or ring dips in 7 months. Good to have a functional gym again. In case Josh or Jeff want to post, their times were 19:43 and 19:54. They can post their subs/scales.

  3. I was doing full range of motion, in fact I did training with the guy doing it with me prior to to make sure he knew how to do the full range of motion.

    And, I was using a 20lbs medicine ball, since I don't have barbell and weights I have been doing a lot of these recently.

    I think my time was fast because I did box dips rather than ring dips, 30 ring dips at full motion would have added considerably more time for me.

  4. that's awesome bro! Chest to bar pullups too eh? You da man! You've come a long way, Young Padawon. I wasn't asking about full ROM, more about the double squat per rep... but I believe you! Just super fast... the CTBs slowed me down tremendously because I haven't done pull-ups since July.

  5. I did this rx'd in 13:55 after a 40 minute ski to warm up. CTB took me the longest at 3:33, rest went pretty smooth and quick, but those MBC had me gasping for air by the end.

    Seriously nice time Jason. Fletcher, your time is awesome considering how long you have been without a good gym. Hit this one up again in two weeks after following the mainsite and I bet your time is minute(s) faster.

  6. Did this today with my new rings. TT: 12:23


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