Monday, January 19, 2015

AMRAP Row Burpee Thruster


  1. I scaled to 165#s on the thrusters and they were still a disaster. Took me forever to do the thrusters, did them in sets of 1 and 2. Three rounds row, burpees, 1 thrusters.

  2. I scaled the thrusters way down to 115 but did 8 reps/round. I know that is not the intention of this WOD, they want us to go heavy, but my knee is puffy from all of this renovation and moving over the past month. Overuse just makes it do that.

    Besides that, great WOD... 5 rounds + row 20 calories + 2 burpees. I was gasping for air, just the way we like it.

    I have a new group of dudes doing WODs with me now at the new house, 3 noobs, Jeff, Brett, and Josh. They've done two WODs so far and I think maybe they've seen the light. We're going to ease into this... you guys know how shocking it is to the body at first! I also invited them to the blog, so if you start seeing guys post you'll know who they are. I'll put up a little video of the new gym soon once I'm done with it. I'm getting close. Gotta paint my wall ball targets on the wall, mount wall mount fans (had two outlets put in that are on a switch so you can just turn em on)... and I think that's about it. So close. Been a long road fellas... first started meeting with the city to get permission to add onto my old garage in May of last year. Our house is in a historic district so I had to submit drawings and make a case to a committee, etc. It's all paying off.


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