Wednesday, October 26, 2011

20 minute bodyweight AMRAP weirdness

3 Wall climbs
10 Up-downs
5 Parallette pass-throughs (forward + back = 1)
10 Grasshoppers (right + left = 1)


  1. WODoers: It was pretty fing cold in the carhold this am, so I decided to inagurate the new pullup bar with the minutes 17&12 for a three rep pr. Didn't feel like doing the bodyweight weirdness on frozen concrete.

  2. That was WAY harder than it sounded... of course. I was strict about form and ROM except the grasshoppers, it was hard to literally touch the shin to the elbow but I came close. All wall climbs were chest to wall and they were the worst part. pass throughs were to full extension with a swing in teh middle, no touchdown from front to back. Harder than you think as well.

    7 grasshoppers short of 6 rounds.

    Had 3 rounds in 9:30, but the wall climbs really started to slow me down. My shoulders were spanked from SP and KBS/PU yesterday, making the WC's all the harder. Viva La AssKick.


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