Saturday, October 15, 2011

Squat Cleans and Kettlebell swings

Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Squat clean, 7 reps
14 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood


  1. As RX'd - 12:52

    My back tightened up midway through the 3rd round. Last 2 were painful.

    Nice job on Carse Craig. I may hit the DL's up later. If not maybe tomorrow.


  2. WODoers: Had olympic lifting class on Friday, got a snatch balance PR of 97kg, but shoulders were shot from Diane so could only OHS 90kg, weird eh.

    Chris: Nice time on this one. I thought your time was 12:32. It was the only thing that kept me moving in the last round. Looked at my watch when it was over 12:34. That was a bastard of a WOD. I split and stacked wood for about 5 hours yesterday, so my back was barking at me too by round 3.

  3. Nice work fellas. I've had this cold that has been coming and going for 3 weeks now.. it goes away, comes back.. bleck. Having to rest today again. Justin do you have a log splitter, or are you doing it old school by hand? My dad's "side job" when I was growing up was selling firewood. Boy have I split and stacked me a bunch of wood in my day. (and of course gathering it in the first place as well... big ol' truck and a big' ol trailer full every weekend... just the two of us). I credit those days for having a strong work ethic today. I used to think my dad was a real hard ass but now I am thankful for it. All my friends were always out dicking around while I was just splitting and stacking wood like every damn day it seemed like.


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