Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tabata Fight Gone Bad


  1. Freaking gnarly workout.

    WB - 9
    Sumo - 8
    BJ - 8
    PP - 10
    Row - 6 (only one round was 6, had 7 the rest)

    Total score: 43

    I can get 45. One more on WB and one more on row. The PP was nuts to finish and maintain 10. The sumos were also insane to hold onto 8. Got that at the buzzer 2-3 times. I am hurting!!

  2. Craig thanks for giving me some numbers to shoot for. We tied, by the way you added wrong. : )

    WB - 10
    Sumo - 8
    BJ - 6 (not sure what happened here)
    PP -10
    KBS - 7 (subbed 1.5 pood swings for row)

    Total score: 41

    Gives FGB a whole different feeling

  3. OH crap, I did didn't I. I could have got 10 WBs, I was pacing. You didn't row sir. I win. LOL.


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